
Showing posts from March, 2021

Live viewers count of KGF 2

  Live viewers count of KGF 2

Yash boss birthday how many days in 2021

  Yash boss birthday how many days in 2021 Naveen Kumar Gowda, better known by the stage name  Yash , is an Indian film  actor  who works in Kannada cinema.  Yash  made his feature film debut with Moggina Manasu (2008) he played the male lead opposite his future wife Radhika. The film was a success and earned him the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting  Actor .

kgf new

 < The world's most action movie>                                                        <photo> <kgf chapter 2 > =eJzj4tbP1TcwNKqyMLcwNGD0Ys5OTwMAKj8EfA&q=kgf&rlz=1C1RXQR_enIN943IN943&oq=kgf&aqs=chrome.1.69i59j46i39j69i59j46i433j0i433j0i67i433l3j0i433j0.4890j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8